
Summarize is used to summarize a document set. It allows selecting specific CLS method and parameters for that particular method.

$ python --help
usage: [-h] {linBilmes,coRank,simFusion} ...

Automatically summarize a set of documents

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  Summarization method


The following command shows help for selected method.

$ python {method} --help

Following is the common pattern to run a CLS method on one document set.

$ python {method} [options] {source_directory}

All files stored in the directory source_directory are read and treated as a part of document set to summarize. The files are expected to be plain text files.

Required arguments

 Directory containing a set of files to be summarized.

Common options

Here is a list of common optional arguments across all CLS methods.

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Show verbose information messages
--no-colors Don’t show colors in verbose log
-s N, --size N Maximum size of the summary
-w, --words Caluated size as number of words instead of characters
--source-lang lang
 Two-letter language code of the source documents language. Defaults to en
-l lang, --target-lang lang
 Two-letter language code to generate cross-lingual summary. Defaults to source language.


Another script called is used to run and evaluate CLS methods over a CLS evaluation dataset.

Similar to, this script also needs the CLS method as first argument and other argument follows depending on the selected method.

$ python {method} [options] {source_path} {models_path} {summaries_path}

Required arguments

source_path:Directory containing all the source files to be summarized. Each set of documents are expected to be in different directories inside this path.
models_path:Directory containing all the model summaries. Each set of summaires are expected to be in different directory inside this path, having the same name as the corresponding directory in the source directory.
summaries_path:Directory to store the generated summaries. The directory will be created if not already exists.

Common options

-h, --help show this help message and exit
--only-rouge Do not run summarizer. Only compule ROUGE score for existing summaries in summaries_path
-s N, --size N Maximum size of the summary
-w, --words Caluated size as number of words instead of characters
--source-lang lang
 Two-letter language code of the source documents language. Defaults to en
-l lang, --target-lang lang
 Two-letter language code to generate cross-lingual summary. Defaults to source language.