
Clone repository

$ git clone

Python dependencies

The dependencies are listed in requirements.txt.

To install all the dependencies, run pip as followed.

$ pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt

Also install nltk packages called stopwords and punkt.

$ python -m nltk.downloader stopwords punkt -d $NLTK_DATA

Setup CLUTO (optional)

This is required if you want to use “linBilmes” summarizer.

Set an environment variable CLUTO_BIN_PATH with the path of directory containing vcluster binary file.

Setup ROUGE 1.5.5 (optional)

This is required only if you plan to evaluate the summaries using ROUGE score.

Obtain and setup ROUGE 1.5.5 according to the instructions there.

Set an environment variable ROUGE_HOME with the path to ROUGE root directory, the one containing file.

Setup dependencies for TQE (optional)

Install dependencies for tqe module according to the details provided in the link above.

Setup NeuralTextSimplification (optional)

Setup system from above URL and set NTS_OPENNMT_PATH, NTS_MODEL_PATH and NTS_GPUS variables accordingly.